Sunday 3 December 2017

Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S

Buy Cheap Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S - The Best Cheap Product

Are you looking for Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S? This is one of the cheap and popular product that suits both your budget and your needs. Choosing a quality and cheap product is not easy, with our list of the best product reviews, it's can help you to choose the right product. Use these helpful tips buying guide to help you make the right decision. For the Complete Review… Click here

Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S is cheap and best seller product, any reviews from consumers are satisfied with this product. Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S is definitely the best choice for people who are looking for cheap and high quality product.

Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S

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Hantek 2 CH DSO1202B Digital Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter 200MHz 1Gsa/S






●Real-Sample Rate:1GSa/s

●Equivalent Sample Rate:25GSa/s

●Record Length:1M

●Rish time:≤1.7ns/≤3.5ns/≤5.8ns

●Timebase Accuracy:±50ppm

●Time Base Range:2ns/div-40s/div / 4ns/div-40s/div / 4ns/div-40s/div

●Input Impandance:1MΩ

●VOLTS/DIV Range:2mV/div~5V/div

●A/D Converter:8bit

●Position Range:±50V(5V/div), ±40V(2V/div~500mV/div), ±2V(200mV/div~50mV/div), ±400mV(20mV/div~2mV/div)

●DC Gain Accuracy:

±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5V/div to 10mV/div;

±4% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5mV/div to 2mV/div

●Bandwidth Limit:20MHz

●Trigger Types:Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Over time, Alternative

●Trigger Source:CH1, CH2

●Math:+,-,x,÷,FFT, Invert

●Cursor Measurement:

Voltage difference between cursors: △V;

Time difference between cursors: △T;

Reciprocal of △T in Hertz (1/ΔT);

●Auto Measuerment:Frequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cycli RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, Delay1-2Rise, Delay1-2Fall, +Duty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop, Vmid, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, BWIDTH, FRF, FFR, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF

●DMM Max. Resolution:6,000 Counts

●Testing Modes:Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode & Continuity

●Max. Input Voltage:AC: 600V, DC: 800V

●Max. Input Current:AC:10A , DC: 10A

●Max. Input Impandance:10MΩ

●Display:5.6"TFT 16K Color Display, 640*480 dots

●Size:245mm x 163mm x 52mm

●Weight:1.3KG(Without Package)

●Standard Probe:PP200x2

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